Running a marathon is a daunting task in itself but imagine being faced with two marathons in just one week

Phil Curwen of Bowker Blackburn Car Centre has challenged himself with running the Paris Marathon followed by the London Marathon the following weekend.  Being a keen runner Phil has run the London and Paris marathons previously but never imagined he would be competing in both in the same week at the age of 63. “I have struggled to get a place in the London Marathon over the past few years so have competed in Paris instead, this year I applied for both and have been lucky enough to be accepted for both!” explained Phil.  “My theory is if I’m fit enough for the first one and don’t get any injuries I can do the second one. I am aiming to finish in less than 5 hours for each race whilst collecting vital funds for the Samaritan centre in Preston.”

Volunteering as a Samaritan for more than 20 years, Phil understands how important donations are to keep the centres running. “We need roughly £1,000 a week to run the centre and we rely solely on donations as we don’t get any sponsorship. I would love everybody I know to donate a couple of pounds, sadly people usually think they have to give a large donation but you don’t need to, every pound really does count and quickly adds up.”

If you would like to donate to support Phil through the average 800,000 steps he needs to complete each marathon please visit his just giving page at


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