WTLP- What Does It Mean?

Since 1992, the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) has been used to determine the fuel emissions and consumption values of vehicles. From September 2018, there will be a change in statutory test methods for consumption, emissions and pollution. The NEDC will be replaced by the WLTP (Worldwide Harmonized Light Test Procedure).

WLTP is a new legally binding test procedure for all car manufacturers to determine figures for exhaust emissions and fuel consumption. WLTP is based on an approximation of the test conditions to real-world circumstances, which will deliver more practically relevant values. Among the changes are redefined, substantially stricter test conditions as well as a significantly longer test duration (30 instead of 20 minutes).

To obtain a more precise determination of CO2 emissions, the new test procedure includes not only the values for the standard vehicle, but also the special extra options for the vehicle. This will produce, within the communication, two values for each type of vehicle: the lowest and highest possible standard consumption value according to the equipment options. Thanks to WLTP, future assessments for a vehicle’s consumption and CO2 emissions will be more accurate; in the case of a specific vehicle configuration, the individual standard value will be indicated directly.

The new test procedure will better assess a vehicle’s consumption and CO2 emissions in the future. The results will be more accurate than the previous measurements, as the values will be measured more realistically. Therefore, vehicles with combustion engines can expect higher consumption and CO2 figures. In the case of electric vehicles, the electric range will decrease.

The BMW group is already working on the transition to the new test procedure and is preparing its product portfolio step-by-step with new vehicles, new engine versions or technical revisions. This will ensure the entire fleet of BMW conforms to the WTLP.

From September 2018, all automobile manufacturers throughout the EU, as well as in Switzerland and Turkey, will be legally obliged to only produce vehicles that have been tested in accordance with the WLTP procedure. The transition within the markets will depend on the respective national legislation. However, by December 2020, all countries that adopt the EU legislation for the approval of vehicles must indicate WLTP values for all vehicles.


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