Andrew is Motability Specialist of the Year

Andrew Holden, who works at Bowker BMW and MINI in Blackburn, has been honoured as the best Motability specialist in the country.

The award recognised Andrew as the best from over 18,000 motability specialists in the country. It acknowledges consistently high standards of service and support to customers of the Motability Car Scheme throughout 2018. 

What is Motability?

The Motability Scheme is the UK’s leading car scheme for disabled people. It provides affordable, convenient, worry-free motoring to over 600,000 disabled customers and their families. 

Andrew joined Bowker over five years ago, but has over 15 years experience in the role at dealerships throughout East Lancashire. Last year, Andrew was commended as one of the top two Motability specialists in the country.

Andrew said:

“I was commended last year. And that was a proud achievement. So to go one better this year has been a wonderful surprise. I work hard to help our motability customers enjoy the very best options that the scheme has to offer. 

“In many cases we see time and time again how a car transforms our customers’ quality of life. So it’s a particularly rewarding part of the motoring retail industry. And I’m proud to be a part of it.”

The Motability Scheme Dealer Awards

The Motability Scheme Dealer Awards programme rewards best practice and ensures customers receive exemplary customer service across the nationwide car dealer network. 

With prizes available across nine categories, the awards are judged on how a dealer delivers the Scheme to customers, and is assessed by customer feedback and reviews of their Motability Scheme performance. 

Richard Povey, dealer development manager – Dealer Relations at Motability Operations Ltd, said:

“We are extremely proud of the achievements all our winners, including Andrew at Bowker BMW and MINI, have achieved. It’s great to see the high level of service delivered by our dealer network and we are pleased to present the latest 2019 Dealer Awards. The annual Awards allow us to thank dealers for providing consistently positive customer service, highlighting those who are doing it well and encouraging others to do the same. 

“It is a testament to the outstanding standard, professional approach, and expert knowledge of Andrew at Bowker BMW and MINI that he has been recognised as a winning specialist – congratulations to him for his well-deserved 2019 Dealer Award.”


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